Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Bottom of the Browser Barrel

Opera. Downloaded. Installed. Launched. Immediate problem #1: It does not import Camino Bookmarks. There are options for Safari, Firefox/Netscape (sic), and IE. And you can't fool Opera into thinking the Camino bookmark.plist file is some other browser (shouldn't it be the same format as Firefox? As everything fer crissakes??).

So I have to import my most up-to-date bookmark set from Camino to Safari, then bring it into Opera.

Don't even talk to me about del.i.c.i.ou.s.

The good news is, clicking the URL bar selects the whole URL right out of the box. And Opera's default behavior is, as is sane and proper, to autocomplete URLs from my bookmarks (with a completely virgin cache).

And now I have lost 15 minutes of my life.

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