Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Workaround of the Week

Instead of using Photoshop's Save for Web function, which makes everything look pale (and I am pale enough, thank you), I am taking screenshots of the .psd versions and cropping those for use on the web. Lovely.


JackalFive said...

We had that "makes things paler" version problem at my work too, but we found out how to fix it....

Go into your Colour Settings, and change the RGB profile to "sRGB IEC465....".

We had it set at Adobe 1998, which made everything paler, but the sRGB worked pretty good. Just be careful if you're shifting back and forth between print and web work, cause the sRGB may affect non-web outputs.

Sam Potts said...

My Photoshop is set to sRGBIEC61966-2.1 for RGB under the "North American General Purpose 2" option. I suppose I could change it to "Monitor Color" for my cinema HD, but I have no idea what is going on.

But: THANK YOU for the suggestion. I assume no one is reading.