Saturday, June 14, 2008

Here's a Puzzle

On Friday, everything I touched in my InDesign CS3 file of John's new book — I mean everything — — and I mean touched as in simply clicked on — caused InD to crash. Excuse me, the term as of OSX is 'not repsond' as in 'InDesign CS3 (not responding).'

As with lovers so with software: not to respond is to crash.

Here's the puzzle: on Saturday — LITERALLY THE NEXT DAY — everything works. I'm back in CS3 with not a single nonresponse.

How did I do it? I will tell you: I used InDesign CS2 on Friday.



Pervez said...

I don't even know what you're talking about!

tony said...

is "respond" really misspelled in the error message?

If so I apporve!